The pincode 152023 corresponds to 7 post offices in Ferozepur district

The pincode 152023 corresponds to 7 post offices in Ferozepur district

A single pincode is not limited to just one post office; a single postal code can be assigned to multiple post offices within the same region.

In the case of pincode 152023, it is assigned to 7 different post offices, which include Karma bo, Lakho ke behram bo, Tibbi khurd bo, Hazara singh wala bo, Khunder uttar bo, Chhanga khurd bo and Mamdot so.

These post offices, associated with pincode 152023, are located in the Ferozepur district of Punjab state. To learn more about each individual post office, click on the respective name in the list below.

Additionally, you can explore user reviews for each postal code to verify their accuracy and gain insights from others' experiences.

Villages under Pincode 152023

Total 85 villages comes under the Pincode 152023. Villagers of following villages uses this pincode for postal communication.

Basti Pathanawali (303)
Bodal (314)
Chak Ghubai Alias Taran Wali (300)
Chak Khundar Uttar (311)
Dona Rahmar Wala (363)
Fatte Wala Hithar (351)
Gatti Basta No. 1 (318)
Jama Rakhaia Uttar (310)
Kalu Arian Uttar (294)
Mahmood Khan Niazi (279)
Mala Rahime Ke Uttar (297)
Mamdot Hithar (341)
Rao Ke Hithar (334)
Tibbi Kalan (277)
Alfu Ke (247)
Chupati (306)
Dona Mattar (332)
Faru Wala (357)
Lakho Ke Behram (252)
Sodhiwala (266)
Swai Ke Bhokri (307)
Ala Dhutta (274)
Chak Mala Kari (280)
Gatti Basta No. 2 (358)
Lakha Hazi (291)
Mahmood Ke Mahal Hithar (339)
Mahmood Ke Uttar (293)
Pojo Ke Uttar (296)
Sodhiwala (79)
Aatu Wala Hithar (318)
Chak Shikargarh (328)
Doni Nawab Sahib (256)
Toor (258)
Betu Qudim (245)
Chak Bange Wala (347)
Chak Ghubai Alias Tangan (299)
Chhanga Makhana (276)
Dariya Ke (244)
Gatti Chak Jadid (367)
Hazara Singh Wala (339)
Jama Rakhaia Hithar (337)
Jhube Nodh Singh (82)
Kalu Arian Hithar (349)
Lakha Singh Wala Hithar (340)
Lakha Singh Wala Uttar (308)
Lakhmir Ke Uttar (302)
Mahmood Ke Hithar (289)
Sultanwala (24)
Jatala (255)
Kari Kalan (257)
Raj Rai (355)
Chak Dona Rahime Ke (344)
Dona Jaimal Wala (343)
Lakhmir Ke Hithar (342)
Mamdot Uttar (305)
Rahime Ke Hithar (345)
Sadar Din Wala (272)
Chak Rao Ke (335)
Dona Khunder (360)
Gatti Mattar (262)
Jang (261)
Karhma (265)
Khamba (253)
Khunder Hithar (336)
Khunder Uttaar (312)
Mattar Hithar (333)
Nawa Killa (264)
Tara Singh Wala (286)
Chak Swai Khurd (309)
Fatte Wala Uttar (292)
Gatti Mammood Ke (366)
Inayat Ke (295)
Jodh Pur (304)
Kakkar (278)
Kala Tibba (275)
Mala Rahime Ke Hithar (346)
Midha Hazi (290)
Pojo Ke Hithar (348)
Rahime Ke Uttar (301)
Rao Ke Uttar (313)
Tibbi Khurd (281)
Aatu Wala Uttar (317)
Chhanga Khurd (298)
Jhok Tahal Singh (260)
Mirza Lakho Ke (315)

Location Map

Other Post Offices in Ferozepur District

1 Pincode: 152028
2 Pincode: 142060
  • Name: Gill bo
  • District: Ferozepur
  • Division: Ferozpur Division
  • Circle: Punjab Circle
3 Pincode: 152004
4 Pincode: 152004
5 Pincode: 152005
6 Pincode: 142050
7 Pincode: 142050
8 Pincode: 142050
9 Pincode: 142047
10 Pincode: 142047
11 Pincode: 142047
12 Pincode: 142047
13 Pincode: 152028
14 Pincode: 152028
15 Pincode: 152028

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