The pincode 140406 corresponds to 15 post offices in Fatehgarh sahib district

The pincode 140406 corresponds to 15 post offices in Fatehgarh sahib district

A single pincode is not limited to just one post office; a single postal code can be assigned to multiple post offices within the same region.

In the case of pincode 140406, it is assigned to 15 different post offices, which include Lataur bo, Malkomajra bo, Mannupur bo, Nabipur bo, Saidpura bo, Talania bo, Harlalpur bo, Sadhugarh bo, Mahadian bo, Rajindergarh bo, Reona ucha bo, Adampur bo, Sirhind so, Sirhind city so and Rr sirhind so.

These post offices, associated with pincode 140406, are located in the Fatehgarh sahib district of Punjab state. To learn more about each individual post office, click on the respective name in the list below.

Additionally, you can explore user reviews for each postal code to verify their accuracy and gain insights from others' experiences.

Villages under Pincode 140406

Total 79 villages comes under the Pincode 140406. Villagers of following villages uses this pincode for postal communication.

Ambe Majra (167)
Badali Ala Singh (222)
Bibi Pur (224)
Blahri Khurd (168)
Chanalon (128)
Dhirpur (121)
Khoze Majra (131)
Lataur (298)
Mathi (158)
Nabipur (149)
Narainpura Alias Chorwala (302)
Patarasi Kalan (262)
Reona Bhola (267)
Reona Ucha (268)
Sirhind (R) (125)
Wazira Bad (44)
Khanpur Behlan (302)
Arain Majra (127)
Arain Majra (299)
Barkat Pura (151)
Bivi Pur (148)
Dera Mir Miran (76)
Harnam Nagar (105)
Jalbehri Dhumi (156)
Jandali (75)
Kotla Bajwara (115)
Kotla Bhai Ka (140)
Majri Azim (71)
Malko Majra (129)
Mukand Pur Alias Bulebas (291)
Rashidpur (119)
Shahzadpur (73)
Sidhupur (130)
Tarkhan Majra (134)
Anaitpur (118)
Attewali (111)
Dholan (259)
Harbans Pura (70)
Jalbehri Gehla (157)
Khanpur (126)
Mandofal (124)
Manunpur (116)
Mir Pur (310)
Narainpur Urf Shekhupur (135)
Patarsi Khurd (264)
Randhawa (122)
Raily (173)
Raipur Gujran (113)
Alipur Sodhian (46)
Balpur (341)
Bhaini Kalan (260)
Bhaini Khurd (261)
Bhairon Pur (114)
Bhat Majra (144)
Buhra (152)
Jalbehra (154)
Kotla Suleman (145)
Longo Majri (150)
Madhopur (141)
Mandaur (45)
Reona Niwan (269)
Rural Talanian(104)
Sade Majra (123)
Shekhu Pur (289)
Siduwal (142)
Wazir Nagar (41)
Adampur (147)
Dalo Majra (153)
Halalpur (72)
Majri Sodhian (307)
Malakpur (133)
Mehadian (109)
Mirpur (112)
Rajinder Garh (263)
Sadhu Garh (155)
Saidpura (146)
Shampur (143)
Shamsher Nagar (139)
Sidhwan (358)

Location Map

Other Post Offices in Fatehgarh sahib District

1 Pincode: 147203
2 Pincode: 147203
3 Pincode: 147203
4 Pincode: 147203
5 Pincode: 147203
6 Pincode: 140408
7 Pincode: 140408
8 Pincode: 147203
9 Pincode: 140408
10 Pincode: 147203
11 Pincode: 147203
12 Pincode: 147104
13 Pincode: 140408
14 Pincode: 140408
15 Pincode: 147004

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