The pincode 833204 corresponds to 52 post offices in Saraikela kharsawan district
A single pincode is not limited to just one post office; a single postal code can be assigned to multiple post offices within the same region.
In the case of pincode 833204, it is assigned to 52 different post offices, which include Barachiru bo, Bhoya bo, Chittimitti bo, Dholadih bo, Ghagri bo, Kathbari bo, Khuntpani bo, Kursi bo, Ulirajbasa bo, Tentra bo, Tentera bo, Bagabilla bo, Baralagia bo, Gitilipi bo, Khedchalan bo, Kokcho bo, Purunia bo, Sarda bo, Tantnagar bo, Dopai., Pandabir bo, Harila bo, Padsa bo, Khaspokhria bo, Khashpokheriya., Simbiya bo, Keshargaria bo, Icha bo, Jhalak bo, Barkella bo, Barkundia bo, Bharbharia bo, Kheriatangar bo, Tonto bo, Baraguira bo, Tekrahatu bo, Bara torlo bo, Angardih bo, Ruidih., Ruidih bo, Ipilsingi bo, Karlajodi bo, Baralagra bo, Guira bo, Gulia bo, Nakahasa bo, Narsanda bo, Pandrasali bo, Pilka bo, Roro bo, Baduri bo and Jmp chowk so.
These post offices, associated with pincode 833204, are located in the Saraikela kharsawan district of Jharkhand state. To learn more about each individual post office, click on the respective name in the list below.
Additionally, you can explore user reviews for each postal code to verify their accuracy and gain insights from others' experiences.
Total 324 villages comes under the Pincode 833204. Villagers of following villages uses this pincode for postal communication.