The pincode 848130 corresponds to 10 post offices in Samastipur district

The pincode 848130 corresponds to 10 post offices in Samastipur district

A single pincode is not limited to just one post office; a single postal code can be assigned to multiple post offices within the same region.

In the case of pincode 848130, it is assigned to 10 different post offices, which include Gauspur sarsauna bo, Kasba tajpur bo, Baghi bo, Motipur bo, Rahimabad bo, Bherokhra bo, Fatehpur bela bo, Adharpur bo, Manpura bo and Tajpur so samastipur.

These post offices, associated with pincode 848130, are located in the Samastipur district of Bihar state. To learn more about each individual post office, click on the respective name in the list below.

Additionally, you can explore user reviews for each postal code to verify their accuracy and gain insights from others' experiences.

Villages under Pincode 848130

Total 15 villages comes under the Pincode 848130. Villagers of following villages uses this pincode for postal communication.

Bazidpur Sarsauna
Chak Bhikhari
Chak Inaetullah
Chak Shyam Nagar Neamatganj
Fatehpur Bala
Maulana Chak
Murgia Chak
Chak Fatma
Chak Madhaul
Chak S.N.N.Azrakbegangapur Atha
Gouspur Sarsauna
Kheraj Gulam Haidar

Location Map

Other Post Offices in Samastipur District

1 Pincode: 847301
2 Pincode: 847301
3 Pincode: 847301
4 Pincode: 847301
5 Pincode: 847105
6 Pincode: 848506
7 Pincode: 848506
8 Pincode: 848506
9 Pincode: 848216
10 Pincode: 848113
11 Pincode: 848113
12 Pincode: 848113
13 Pincode: 848207
14 Pincode: 848207
15 Pincode: 848207

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